17 February 2018

On Mediocrity

Context: What is going on with Counter Logic Gaming in the NA LCS 2018?
The same what is going on with CLG in every esport: mediocrity. 
CLG lost their Dota 2 and CS:GO teams already, somewhat promising, left them in mediocrity till they disbanded. 
This organization doesn't have neither money nor structure to support successful teams.
It really feels like the management is just trying to stay afloat as a brand while spending as little as they can on everything. 
Hell, we lost our team leader/shotcaller cause we couldn't match other teams offers.
When you're okay losing your only star player, a huge brand promoter also, you know you're looking at a zombie organization. 
And to think /r/clg was so delusional when this roster was announced. Sure, what better than 2 players that barely give a damn about winning, barely train in soloq (Stixxay and RO), two very inconsistent solo laners and a timid, barely vocal support together? I'm sad for Biofrost, he's a decent player, our only consistent performer, but he's just the worst fit in this team. We needed Aphro so much. How can you put shotcalling duties on Huhi, a guy that barely understands matchups (legendary losing 1v1 Vlad vs Cassio, as Cassio first and as Vlad after in the same Bo3 versus Liquid last game), half of his roams are a waste of time and used to have the lowest kill partecipation in the league? 
What did management think? That stars were going to align as they did in spring 2016? 
That Piglet was going to throw a game 5 times in a single game again? That Stixxay was forever going to make miracles and not die to Elise cocoons due to how Trist's W works? That lane swaps would've allowed to mask our weankess all time? 
Our run in spring 2016 should've been a warning on how poorly the team was built, but it got masked by the luck we had and the clutch plays of some of our players, but that ended, and now we're 4 splits in a row deep in mediocrity. 
We're 0-8 vs TSM, 1-9 vs IMT/Liquid 2018 and like 2-7 vs C9? 
We're consistently garbage, yet nothing changes. 
I bey my ass the Dardoch problem was Dardoch getting on the team, as competitive as he was pushed everybody to work hard (and look at clg in summer 2017 they started so convincingly)..But no..You can't bother Stixxay with hard work, better remove the jungler. And knowing Dardoch it had to be painful to work with him, when the rest of the team is just "chill, we fine with mediocrity and faith". 
Just smiles, faith memes, patting our team on their shoulders, because after all, it's not even their fault, shit's trickling down from above.